If you have little knick knacks that you want to preserve in resin here is how. You can make them into display pieces, jewelry, paperweight, the ideas are endless! In this example I am embedding June Beetles that I caught in my backyard.
1. Fill a mason jar (or any jar) up with isopropyl alcohol (also known as rubbing alcohol) you can find a bottle at your local convenient store or drug store. Make sure that it is at least 70% alcohol.
2. When you care catch an insect drop it into the jar. This will immediately paralyze them and eventually kill them. It also helps preserve them. Leave them in the solution for about an hour.
3. After your specimen is done soaking in the solution you will need to dry them off. Lay down paper towels and use a tweezer to remove them from the jar. You don't want to use your hands because the alcohol will dry out your skin.
4. Let them sit and dry for about a half hour. This will allow residual alcohol to evaporate.
5. Using casting resin, which you can buy at your hardware store or arts and crafts store (I got mine at A.C. Moore similar to Michaels Arts and Crafts), mix the specified ratio if liquid to catalyst. Make sure you mix evenly. If the ratio is off the resin might not dry completely.
6. Using a plastic mold pour in the mixed resin half way. Let it sit until it turns a jello like consistency.
7. Add your insects of object. Then repeat step 5 and add the rest of the resin to the top edge of the mold. Wait 24 hours for the resin to dry completely.